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Mixed All Seoul Hash
MASH Hash # 30 Report
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MASH 30 Photos

      MASH 30 was a scramble to find stand-in hares, decide on a new area, explore and plan new routes, etc...Pretty much a normal haring experience. The weather was great and a fine turnout of 30+ made the efforts of new hares La Bomba and Mario Mazzocca worth their invested time and energy! Runners and walkers alike enjoyed a good variety of scenery and nice, shaded dirt trails! The area had been initially used by Dangerman who is now hashing in Taiwan and extensive exploration revealed that it is an area that is capable of hosting numerous different hashes in the future! La Bomba and Mario demonstrated keen enthusiasm for haring MASH # 30 and wore their national colors in the process! Daddy Long Legs guided the walkers along a high, scenic trail and then back along the ridge while the runners were treated to a cultural detour through a Buddhist Temple as part of their route. Both groups met nearly simultaneously at the hold check for a group photo and then also finished within minutes of each other at the end. Noone sustained any major injuries and everyone looked sufficiently sweaty to have had a good outing!

      The on-after was fun as always with the hares rewarded for their efforts, Stefania Abati being named "JoggaLotte", lots of new faces being welcomed, the kids "punished" for being wet and dirty before we even got started, some incorrigible running MASHers violated the silence sanctity of the Buddhist Temple, and numerous other assundry crimes! Moby Dick earned his "10 MASH hashes" patch as well! After the RA finally exhausted all semi-plausible reasons for awarding down-downs to the plebes, we tried some "corporate team-building exercise" deviant variation of Swing Lo; no doubt the photos will tell the story better!

      After the down-downs and hash anthem, we commenced BBQing and eating and drinking as usual while new acquaintances were made, other friendships strengthened, future hashes planned, new hares recruited, and the business of making our expat life here in Seoul a little more enjoyable continued!! It was a another great MASH outing for all!!

On! On!

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