Mixed All Seoul Hash
MASH Hash # 9 Report
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MASH 9 Photos

     Last Saturday's MASH # 9 attracted 37 hearty souls (35 humans and two dogs!) to test Dangerman's haring acumen in the hills above The Swiss Grand Hotel. The sprinkles only deterred the faint-of-heart! Newly-indoctrined MASH scribe Boyscout was there and what follows is his account of the last MASH hash:
     "Prior to last Saturday's HASH meeting, I was about to go live on the internet offering prospective clients the ultimate weather forecast facility, second only to our dear old Michael (Hurricane) Fish. We could offer picnickers advice on a choice of culinary menus, give walkers comments on inappropriate dress codes, pyromaniac Bar-B-Quers the chance to finish what they started. However we obviously hadn't paid our subscription, and it rained. Undaunted we merry band of intrepid Masher's fought off this minor slip in or forecasting ability and gathered, generally on time at the Swiss Grand. For some it was easy just to roll out of bed, for others several taxies and a subway ride, but around 26 hardy souls checked in to what was to be another excellent MASH meeting. Dangerman was this time responsible for setting another interesting and sometimes, slippery scramble around the hills of Paegyongsan. Made only more interesting by the rain, washing away chalk and flour markers, but in the end a very enjoyable afternoons outing, I'm sure you'll all agree. Cheers Dangerman.
     Later, during the down-down we had three namings and one un-naming. Due partly to Adina's unfortunate misplacing of her baggage at Kimpo check-in, she has been given the name "Lost and Found". "G-String" Gina almost goes, and will go without further detailed explanation. "Dances with Dogs" was named due apparently, to repeatedly tripping the light fantastic, with hound in hand. Again this week we were pleased to attract a number of MASH virgins to our expanding group, some of whom have hashed in other countries. Two of the which expressed an interest to take up Arne's challenge and set one of our future MASH run/walks around Mt Pongwassan. Full recompense was given to all late comer's and other misdemeanors were duly paid for, with copious amounts of brown bubbly beer, some spilt down shirts, some tipped over heads in the traditional manner. If any one has any comments they feel should be entered into this report or interesting or boring facts they fell they must impart to me. Then please fell free to keep them to yourselves. Begging for inclusion." On! On!
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